To the Public Utilities Commission and electric utility... Please consider that electricity is the only form of "clean" energy, (potentially). Penalizing electric utility customers who are generating clean electricity via solar or wind power ultimately slows the necessary shift toward clean energy, sometimes state wide. Generating clean energy is critical to keeping the earth hospitable for humans. Promoting clean energy is the best way to curtail or reverse the upward trend in destructive billion dollar weather events that are rooted in carbon intensive power generation.
I believe it is acceptable to charge a reasonable one time fee to connect a clean energy producer to the electric grid, since this is likely the last time a system owner will require any personal attention from the electric utility. However, after the connection is made and the account settings are adjusted to record two-way energy flow, there should be no additional monthly fee, and the clean power producer should be compensated at the same dollar/kilowatt rate charged by the electric utility.
Dear Mr. Schettl, as a consumer using and paying for the same power lines that you use to receive power, why should you not pay a fee to send the excess power over those same lines that you have generated and received payment for at the retail rate? Basically you are making me pay for your upkeep on those power lines. Isn't that penalizing me for your profit? How fair is that?
Lori...I am in the solar industry and also perform LED lighting audits......Of my 64 solar customers in MN, IA and Wi...everyone of them only reduces their kWH consumption from their utility or coop...the net result is similar to when my customers swap out to LED lighting or install more efficient appliances. They all pay monthly service fees and have for years prior to installing solar. I am still waiting to see any conclusive study that shows how this could possibly affect you. Have you seen one? I would love to see it. While my customers may be paying the Cooperative 50% less then prior to installing solar. solar also can assist a cooperative as solar is only generated during the day during peak demand. If you would like to have a discussion about this that is based on facts, I would be happy to engage. Solar may not be your choice...but it is the choice of several members of cooperatives who just want to lower thier kWh consumption and remain competitive in their business..
Gary Schettl almost 9 years ago
To the Public Utilities Commission and electric utility... Please consider that electricity is the only form of "clean" energy, (potentially). Penalizing electric utility customers who are generating clean electricity via solar or wind power ultimately slows the necessary shift toward clean energy, sometimes state wide. Generating clean energy is critical to keeping the earth hospitable for humans. Promoting clean energy is the best way to curtail or reverse the upward trend in destructive billion dollar weather events that are rooted in carbon intensive power generation.
I believe it is acceptable to charge a reasonable one time fee to connect a clean energy producer to the electric grid, since this is likely the last time a system owner will require any personal attention from the electric utility. However, after the connection is made and the account settings are adjusted to record two-way energy flow, there should be no additional monthly fee, and the clean power producer should be compensated at the same dollar/kilowatt rate charged by the electric utility.
Respectfully, Gary Schettl (rooftop solar owner)
Lori Read over 8 years ago
Dear Mr. Schettl, as a consumer using and paying for the same power lines that you use to receive power, why should you not pay a fee to send the excess power over those same lines that you have generated and received payment for at the retail rate? Basically you are making me pay for your upkeep on those power lines. Isn't that penalizing me for your profit? How fair is that?
Mike Woodley over 8 years ago
Lori...I am in the solar industry and also perform LED lighting audits......Of my 64 solar customers in MN, IA and Wi...everyone of them only reduces their kWH consumption from their utility or coop...the net result is similar to when my customers swap out to LED lighting or install more efficient appliances. They all pay monthly service fees and have for years prior to installing solar. I am still waiting to see any conclusive study that shows how this could possibly affect you. Have you seen one? I would love to see it. While my customers may be paying the Cooperative 50% less then prior to installing solar. solar also can assist a cooperative as solar is only generated during the day during peak demand. If you would like to have a discussion about this that is based on facts, I would be happy to engage. Solar may not be your choice...but it is the choice of several members of cooperatives who just want to lower thier kWh consumption and remain competitive in their business..