I live in a rural area 5 miles from Belgrade with very little options for internet and only one service for my land line, Frontier Communications. Frontier periodically sent out flyers for their internet services and each time I had inquired on it, I was told I was too far out in the country to have access to it. I ignored their internet advertisements for quite a length of time and thought they will soon have to catch up with the times and service ALL of their customers. In 2016, Frontier sent me a post card in the mail advertising their high-speed internet. I inquired at this time. I was told by TWO representatives that it was now available to me as I reiterated to them that I LIVE IN THE COUNTRY AND HAD BEEN TOLD PREVIOUSLY BY FRONTIER I COULD NOT GET IT SINCE I LIVE TOO FAR OUT. They reassured me I could get it now. I ordered the installation and with that I agreed to change my phone plan that I was on to a different plan that would be more expensive ($49.06/month). The field tech called me when he got the order and said that I was too far out to receive the internet. Just peachy!! So I immediately called Frontier to have them change my phone plan back to what I had been on ($38.46/month). They told me I had been on a "grandfathered" plan and they could not switch it back to that plan. I explained it was not my fault that I could not get the internet even though I was told by two reps I could. I spoke to several different people at Frontier, put in a "remedy ticket" with no avail. This is a bait and switch tactic!! You cannot get anywhere with anyone at Frontier, not even a supervisor! I should take my land line out since it is only telemarketers that call it but I have smaller children in my home at times and need a phone in case of an emergency. I wanted to add another phone to my cell phone plan and use this phone in place of my land line. It would be way cheaper than paying the nearly $50 per month for my current land line. But I want to keep my phone number that I have had for 30+ years but Frontier phone numbers are not portable. Why not? They want to be able to keep their numbers and customers they are overcharging!!
It's about time that Frontier Communications is being investigated for their fraudulent business practices. They need to reimburse their customers that they have been overcharging for years!!
Wendy Hoeck about 6 years ago
Glad this is being investigated as for quite some time we have been paying high rates for inadequate service.
sharon strecker about 6 years ago
I agree more money for poor service
Marcia Beier almost 6 years ago
I live in a rural area 5 miles from Belgrade with very little options for internet and only one service for my land line, Frontier Communications. Frontier periodically sent out flyers for their internet services and each time I had inquired on it, I was told I was too far out in the country to have access to it. I ignored their internet advertisements for quite a length of time and thought they will soon have to catch up with the times and service ALL of their customers. In 2016, Frontier sent me a post card in the mail advertising their high-speed internet. I inquired at this time. I was told by TWO representatives that it was now available to me as I reiterated to them that I LIVE IN THE COUNTRY AND HAD BEEN TOLD PREVIOUSLY BY FRONTIER I COULD NOT GET IT SINCE I LIVE TOO FAR OUT. They reassured me I could get it now. I ordered the installation and with that I agreed to change my phone plan that I was on to a different plan that would be more expensive ($49.06/month). The field tech called me when he got the order and said that I was too far out to receive the internet. Just peachy!! So I immediately called Frontier to have them change my phone plan back to what I had been on ($38.46/month). They told me I had been on a "grandfathered" plan and they could not switch it back to that plan. I explained it was not my fault that I could not get the internet even though I was told by two reps I could. I spoke to several different people at Frontier, put in a "remedy ticket" with no avail. This is a bait and switch tactic!! You cannot get anywhere with anyone at Frontier, not even a supervisor! I should take my land line out since it is only telemarketers that call it but I have smaller children in my home at times and need a phone in case of an emergency. I wanted to add another phone to my cell phone plan and use this phone in place of my land line. It would be way cheaper than paying the nearly $50 per month for my current land line. But I want to keep my phone number that I have had for 30+ years but Frontier phone numbers are not portable. Why not? They want to be able to keep their numbers and customers they are overcharging!!
It's about time that Frontier Communications is being investigated for their fraudulent business practices. They need to reimburse their customers that they have been overcharging for years!!