Notice of Extended Reply Comment Period
Notice of Extended Reply Comment Period
Comments must be received by 4:30pm on the close date.
Notice of Extended Reply Comment Period
Notice of Extended Reply Comment Period
Comments must be received by 4:30pm on the close date.
Elizabeth Forsythe over 8 years ago
We should be waived out of this because:
It does not help our largest industry Boise Paper and in fact it negates some of the benefit they paid for when installing energy efficient turbine. Also our major industry gets no benefit from this relative to the harm the rate hike will do the local economy. Boise spokesperson has stated to the press that there is “negligible benefit” to Boise and in fact they sell power back to the grid sometimes. We are 6% of income and property wealth as compared to St Louis County and have less than 10% of business activity so this will be felt proportionately more severely up here. A waiver could be conceived around the fact that we are more than 100 miles away from the industries that benefit, relatively isolated and struggling with a much more limited economy than they share on the Iron Range with 3 larger cities and 4 or 5 smaller ones within a 70 mile circle.
Dana Linscott about 8 years ago
The PUC should reject this request. Essentially it will increase the profitability of Allete and 11 large companies at the consumers expense. This is a subsidy of already profitable businesses and nothing more. It will NOT benefit the citizens of MN unless they own shares of these companies. MN power is essentially a monopoly and it is the duty of the PUC to prevent them from acting like a monopoly. Alletes shares have TRIPLED in value in the last 6 years. THEY do not need a larger subsidy.
Terry Bronniche about 8 years ago
We built our home 20yrs ago. Our builder suggested we build a Triple E home--an all electric, highly energy efficient home. The program was developed and marketed by MinnesotaPower. All electric appliances including hot water and heat, super energy efficient windows and insulation, and dual fuel capability were some of the program's requirements. Twenty years into this, we are certainly regretting our decision. After multiple energy assessments, no one can tell us why our electric bill is so high--even when you exclude heat/cooling, our bill is $250 a month for two adults. The city of Duluth has now increased the franchise fee 3%, up from 1%. Now Minnesota Power wants a total of 18% increase in electric charges to it's customers. As an all electric household, we will feel the effect of these increases much greater than the average household always quoted in the new releases. The increases to our bills would be approx $55-$80 a month, depending on time of year. We are coming close to retirement with a fixed income and so these increases that we have no control over are very concerning. Duluth passed their franchise fee increase without regard for those of us who will be paying beyond our fair share. This increase should not be granted.
Arne Ion about 8 years ago
Allete seems to be doing pretty well. Higher rates will hurt many on a fixed income, whereas franchise fees do not hurt the company that legally passes them right on.
Trudy Lepper about 8 years ago
WE want out of the EITE rate hike because the law undermine Boise's investment in energy efficiency in our mill and our struggling community cannot tolerate this.
thomas nikko about 8 years ago
As a senior on a fixed income, another increase would be a hardship. Allete is getting downright greedy.
Ken Witte about 8 years ago
MNPUC should reject Minnesota Power's EITE cost recovery rider. Being a small business owner I see increases all the time. We set rates according to budgets. Budgets are adjusted over a period of years and average revenue. Definitely not 18% increase ever in 40 years of being in business. Minnesota Power is a monopoly. Minnesota Power customers have given them the ability to have lavish pensions, self insurance and high wages that other businesses can only dream about. I say get with the 21st century and examine their costs like every other business and trim a little fat. Monopoly greed at it's finest. Again, please reject and stand up for the small businesses and residents.
Ranier MN about 8 years ago
The City of Ranier, who obtains its electric power from Minnesota Power, respectfully requests to be excluded from the proposed EITE rate hike. The proposed rate structure purported to benefit taconite mining companies will result in a 10% rate increase for our citizens who do not receive any benefit from taconite mining. Businesses, government agencies and schools will see a rate hike of between 1% and 4%.
Every extra dollar from our citizens paid to Minnesota Power in this “rate adjustment” is one less dollar spent in our own struggling communities. Every extra dollar spent on higher commercial power rates for “non-EITE” customers reduces our own local businesses’ profitability and competitiveness. Higher commercial power rates in our area affect our ability to recruit and retain businesses. Every extra dollar spent on higher power rates means less money local business owners can put into growing their own businesses or even to make ends meet. Extra dollars that our governmental agency will have to spend on powering street lights will have to come from budget cuts or property tax increases.
The increased rate paid by our citizens, governmental agencies and businesses is supposed to offset rate cuts for taconite plants and paper mills. This undermines efforts spent by our local paper mill who invested considerable dollars to become more energy efficient. In addition, Attorney General Lori Swanson opined that EITE rate and cost recovery rider should be denied because it did not show a net benefit to the state as required by the legislation.
We certainly understand that Range industries are struggling with global marketization, however, isn’t it up to our federal legislators to ensure that tariffs are imposed on subsidized, low cost steel from other countries? Why should this come on the backs of our local businesses and citizens? Please leave the City of Ranier out of this rate shifting plan!
Jean Evens about 8 years ago
Having read the comments submitted by others and having attended several public meetings regarding this issue, I reiterate what has been said regarding the negative impact on persons living in International Falls and Ranier. The EITE rate hike law does nothing to benefit persons and business in the two communities. However, it does increase the influence of some elected officials. That is not the agenda of the PUC and our struggling communities need a boost, not a draw down by some of our elected officials.
Sherrie Lessard about 8 years ago
Int' Falls residents and businesses and rural Koochiching Co. residents and businesses getting electricity from MN Power should not be included in this rate increase. This rate hike is unfair and unwarranted. We are 100 miles away from the businesses that will benefit from this increase. Our community will suffer a loss of revenue. Every dollar we have to pay MN Power for this increase is one dollar less we have no spend at local businesses and non-profits like the Food Shelf. We can't afford to pay for taconite mills' electricity. Our elected representatives have chosen to turn their backs on us in favor of big business. We have only the PUC to protect us from this unfairness. The comment by the City of Ranier says it best.
Cynthia Jaksa about 8 years ago
I am a city councilor of International Falls and speak for the city. We have one major industry in the county - a paper mill that will not benefit by this rate hike. In fact, our company invested in a new energy efficient turbine and is now selling power to MP. We have no benefit by this eite law and it will cost us over 2,000,000 dollars annually in lost purchasing power in our local economy (from businesses and residences of International Falls, Ranier and immediate outskirts).
Koochiching county has 6% of the personal wealth, 6% of the property values and less than 10% of St Louis County's business activity so this rate hike will have an outsize impact on our struggling economy. For these arguments we have requested that the MP power customers in Koochiching County be excluded from this rate hike. As it stands now, we will be paying for rate increases to bring more power to the Iron Range in terms of pending rate requests before the PUC. This EITE rate hike in addition to the others will be a severe drag on our local economy.
Attached is a petition of 150 signatures (many business owners, lawyers, bankers etc) have signed this requesting that our local elected officials send a letter to the PUC. One body, the Ranier city council did send a letter to the PUC asking us to be exempted. The City of International Falls tied in a vote but I will bring it back before the March deadline for a second vote and the county board is hesitant to stand up for their constituents against our state representatives who carried this law.
So here I am as a representative of the city of International Falls sending you the petition of our local citizens who are opposed to the EITE rate hike generally but specifically are asking for exclusion from it. The petition was addressed to our local elected officials but the purpose is to ask for an exclusion. Therefore, forwarding the signatures to you is pertinent.
I am hoping I can impress upon the PUC commissioners that this law is highly unpopular in Koochiching County, grossly burdensome and unfair as well.
Thank you for your consideration.
Joel Anderson about 8 years ago
They are asking for this massive increase in hopes that they'll get a portion of it instead. PLEASE deny any increase whatsoever!!!
I have been a MP Power customer for 16 years and I see this trend over and over. This rate increase is unwarranted. This is the "we don't do that company." There is no justification of this rate hike. Their customer service on the phone and in person is non-existent. They don't provide even basic help when requested. It's like pulling teeth for even the simplest of questions.
When a tree fell on a my power mast and rested precariously they simply restrung the wires through/touching the leaves and branches. They have a department for cutting around limbs but insisted they don't do that. -Just one of many anecdotes.
Michael Silvers about 8 years ago
With the current unemployment rate we have, some of our citizens within our extended community's may have to decide between paying their electric bill and for going other necessities. This rate increase is unwarranted and reflects cronyism and politics at it's worse and MUST not be inflicted upon our communities. If the swamp in going to be drained,it's time to drain our "bogs" up here. I don't trust any career politician and I enjoy tremendously stepping on toes when needed.
Andrew Wright about 8 years ago
May of 2015 at Allete’s annual meeting in Duluth I asked about the proposed rate increase and after 3-4 people, finally received a standard corporate response that Allete residential customers were not paying their fair share and were being subsidized by industry. They offered no justification. During the meeting the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer proudly announced that HR-1782 had passed. Industrial users are able to negotiate their rates; residential customers have to accept the rates determined by Utilities Commission. The CEO of Allete is also a director of Polymet, which if/when the permits are approved will be a large energy user and customer of Allete. This appears to be a conflict of interest. This rate increase should be denied..
Jeanne Barto about 8 years ago
My name is Jeanne Barto and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 30+ years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen since the recession of 2008. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families.
Joni Van Poucke about 8 years ago
My name is Joni Van Poucke and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 22+ years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen since the recession of 2008. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families.
John Bastian about 8 years ago
comme My name is John Bastian and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 7 Years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen since the recession of 2008. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families. Furthermore I believe that this 2015 Legislation was intended to make electrical costs competitive for businesses like our mills. We know that our competition specifically in Canada has significantly lower electrical rates. The EITE petition helps our costs be more competitive with theirs.
Justin Evander almost 8 years ago
As one of 250 employees that work at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill, I urge approval of the EITE petition. Our mill operates in a highly competitive and struggling global industry. We have cut costs and operate extremely lean in an effort to outlast our foreign competitors. Since energy costs are our largest operating cost, reducing our already inflated energy rate will have a significant impact to our ability to continue to operate and provide meaningful employment and support to the local community.
Michael OBrien almost 8 years ago
It is vital for the health of large employers such as Verso that the EITE as set forth by the Minnesota legislature be approved. The rate adjustment will remove much of the subsidy that large energy users are providing for other rate payers. As an engineer at the Verso paper mill for over 20 years, I can attest to the numerous investments that have been made at the mill to improve energy efficiency. Yet, our electrical energy costs continue to rise at an alarming rate. Our mill does not produce chemical pulp, which has a significant by-product in the form of energy. In addition, we do not own any boilers that allow us to generate electricity. Instead, we must purchase all of our energy from Minnesota Power. Our cost of energy is nearly five times higher than some other Verso paper mills. As we struggle to compete on a global basis, our energy disadvantage puts us in a difficult spot. Continued, uncontrolled increases in our energy costs will put the future of our mill in jeopardy. If the doors are shut on our mill, everyone loses, as the subsidy we are paying to support other users will vanish. Approving the EITE petition will benefit our mill, over 250 employees, local suppliers to our mill and the entire surrounding community.
Sarah Gustafson almost 8 years ago
As an employee of the Verso Duluth Mill I hope to see the EITE petition APPROVED. Our rates have doubled since 2007, despite our attempts of improving energy efficiency. We take great pride in our products that are sold in the US, but we face fierce global competition with significantly lower energy costs. The Verso Duluth Mill employs 250 people from the area. This does not include thousands of hours that local contractors contribute to the mill. Our mill plays a key economic role in the surrounding communities. If the EITE petition is not approved, we face a very serious threat in energy costs that will put the future of the Duluth Mill in jeopardy, and will have significant consequences on the surrounding communities.
Angela Swenson almost 8 years ago
As a Verso Duluth Paper Mill employee, I am hoping for the approval of the EITE petition. The mill's electrical energy costs have increased dramatically in the last 10 years despite ongoing efforts to improve energy efficiency. Low paper prices and imports challenge our viability and it is become increasingly vital that we control our input costs. Since energy from MN Power is our mill's largest cost, the EITE petition would support the viability of the mill and its 250 employees.
Mark Dylla almost 8 years ago
comment...As an employee of the Verso Paper mill for 22 years and as a Minnesota Power residential customer, I urge timely approval of the EITE. As Mill Controller I have seen our product pricing challenged as we face a declining market and completion in Canada and Europe who have currency exchange rate cost advantages. Our mill's product pricing is currently at historical low levels. We work hard every day to be the most efficient, cost effective manufacturer that we can be. One of our biggest challenges is the cost of energy. Despite cost reductions in most other areas, energy costs have doubled since 2007 and are one of the mill's largest costs. Please approve the EITI petition. It will improve the competitiveness and sustainability of our manufacturing operation --which will benefit the 250 employees that work here, as well as our families and the surrounding communities
Timothy Sundstrom almost 8 years ago
comment...My name is Tim Sundstrom and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 24 years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen since the recession of 2008. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families. Thank You
Allen Berthiaume almost 8 years ago
I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 7 years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill's product pricing is currently at lows not seen since the recession of 2008. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill's largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families.
Jesse DeWitte almost 8 years ago
My name is Jesse DeWitte and I am the Process Engineering Team Leader at the Verso Paper Mill in Duluth. The purpose of this letter is to express my support for the EITE Cost Recovery petition. I have been employed at the Duluth Mill for nearly 25 years. During that time I have experienced firsthand the changes and challenges paper producers face every day. During my time here at the Duluth Mill, I have worked for 5 separate companies due to the constriction of the paper industry.
The Duluth Mill produces about 765 tons per day of Supercalender paper that is used in magazines, coupons and Sunday paper inserts. The Duluth Mill is currently the only mill in the United States that produces this grade of paper. The direct competition that we face is from mills in Canada and Europe. Energy costs for the Duluth mill are our single biggest manufacturing expense. Those expenses have more than doubled in the last 10 years, while paper pricing is lower than it has been since the 2008 recession. Passing of the EITE Cost Recovery petition will help us to compete with foreign mills and maintain our operation in Duluth. Continuing to operate in Duluth is obviously beneficial for our 250 employees, but it is also beneficial for the entire region.
The Duluth Mill has allowed me to comfortably raise my family in a region of Minnesota that I love and I want the Duluth Mill to provide those same opportunities for others far into the future. I respectfully ask you to approve the EITE petition.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Jesse A DeWitte, P.E. Process Engineering Team Leader Verso Duluth Mill
Dawn Polaski almost 8 years ago
My name is Dawn Polaski and I have worked in servicing the customers of the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for the past 30 years. I am requesting that you approve the EITE petition as soon as possible. Working on sales/customer service team, I can assure you that we are in the toughest market times I have every experienced. Pricing has drastically fallen, costs across the board continue to increase, and we are experiencing fierce competition from Canada and Europe. Energy costs are the mill's largest cost and approving the EITE petition will help to keep our mill competitive!
The Duluth mill is a great place to work and employs approximately 250 people. The people that work at the mill are like family, we care about each other, we care about the future of the mill. The economical impact the Verso Duluth Paper mill has on the greater northern Minnesota area is over $100 million, proving that the impact much greater than just the team members that work at the mill. We all need to work together to keep good manufacturing jobs in Minnesota and this is one way that you can be a part of that.
The 2015 Legislation was intended to help business like the Verso Duluth Paper Mill - help us stay competitive - helps us to have a positive impact on many northern Minnesota people and business - please approve the EITE petition!
Thanks for your time & consideration
Dawn Polaski, Sr. Customer Service Representative
jodi gustafson almost 8 years ago
My name is Jodi Gustafson and I have worked for the Verso paper Mill for 28 years. I ask that you approve the EITE petition for reasons cited above. Our mill, as with other paper mills, is declining for the same reasons mining, publishing, women's and girls’ apparel manufacturing and appliance repair industries are declining. The cost of doing business. Energy costs, for paper mills, are a big part of that. Please consider the fate of our industry when voting on the petition. Thank you, Jodi Gustafson
Paul Makynen almost 8 years ago
My name is Paul Makynen and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 28 years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen since the recession of 2008. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. I have worked at this mill under five different companies with two bankruptcies; this is a tough industry to make money in. Please approve the EITE and help keep this business viable.
Buck Moore almost 8 years ago
My name is Buck Moore and I have worked at the Verso Paper Mill for the past 8 years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill is battling to stay alive in the world of global competition. Our products are currently priced at lows not seen since the great recession of 2008. With energy costs being the mills single largest manufacturing cost, it is important to our mill to get the EITE position approved. The energy costs of manufacturing here at the Duluth mill have doubled since 2007. The jobs at the Duluth mill are very important to not only the workers and their families, but also to the cities and business who benefit from the economic impact of these jobs.
Mary Tourville almost 8 years ago
comment...My name is Mary J Tourville and I am the Production Services and Distribution Manager at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill. I am writing to request prompt and expedited approval of the EITE Cost Recovery petition. I have worked for the mill for nearly 28 years and throughout that time, the mill has had the opportunity to provide strong manufacturing jobs for our 250+ employees… jobs that allow our team members to raise their families and make a comfortable living. Manufacturing jobs are very important to the Duluth economy and the Verso Duluth Mill not only has a positive impact for our employees but the surrounding region as well having an estimated $100 million positive economic impact to the greater Northern Minnesota area. Currently, we are experiencing extremely challenging paper market conditions – the most challenging conditions in our 30 year history. Our market is declining and we face fierce foreign competition who hold a currency exchange rate advantage that we simply have no control over. Paper pricing is at historically low levels. The mill employs a strong and robust work force. The team has worked diligently year after year on cost control initiatives and is considered the low cost producer in our grade category. That said, we have and continue to do all we can to remain a viable entity but we cannot do it alone. We need your help. Energy costs are the largest single expense to our manufacturing process. Thus, passing the EITE Cost Recovery Petition will be a key component in allowing us to remain viable now and into the future.
Thanks for your consideration in this matter. Mary J Tourville, PS&D Manager, Verso Duluth Paper Mill
Andrew Paulson almost 8 years ago
My name is Andrew Paulson and I have worked as a Automation Technician at Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 8 years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen since the recession of 2008. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families. Thank you for your time and consideration. The Duluth mill is a great place to work and keep good paying jobs in our community. If the EITE petition passes it is a way to help insure Jobs like mine at the mill will still be here for years to come.
Gary Wargin almost 8 years ago
My name is Gary Wargin and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 30 Years. During that time our Mill has overcome many challenges, with a talented and dedicated workforce. We are now facing unprecedented market challenges since the Great Recession, with increasing imports and the resultant lowering of prices for our products. Therefore I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. . Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families, as well as the numerous businesses that support our mill locally.
Jay Jukich almost 8 years ago
My name is Jay Jukich and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for (25 Years). I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen since the recession of 2008. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families.
Barb Curphy almost 8 years ago
My name is Barb Curphy and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 29+ Years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen since the recession of 2008. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families
Frank Pitoscia almost 8 years ago
Hello, my name is Frank R. Pitoscia and I have worked for the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for almost 24 years. I am requesting approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen for nearly 10 years. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from our friends north of the border. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their suppliers. Indirect jobs are created by the Duluth Mill including truckers delivering supplies and hauling paper, rail employees hauling paper. Construction employees conducting repairs and various vendors supplying the paper mill with material and equipment.
Guy Priley almost 8 years ago
My name is Guy Priley and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for about two years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Our mill’s product pricing is currently at its lowest point in the past decade. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. The largest costs to our mill are in energy, and they have doubled over the same period that our pricing has decreased. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill. Not only does the EITE affect the 250 employees at the mill, but every job we provide also creates 3.5 additional jobs in this region. This will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here and their families as well as well as all of the other businesses and families in our region that we positively impact.
Karen Turnboom almost 8 years ago
My name is Karen Turnboom. I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 30 years, and have been a Minnesota Power (MP) residential customer for 29 years. I am writing to ask MN PUC to support the APPROVAL of MP’s request for an Energy-Intensive Rate Exposed (EITE) rate recovery.
On September 15, 2016, the Minnesota Public Utility Commission approved Minnesota Power’s plan for a 5% reduction for all companies that qualify for the EITE rate. While the Minnesota Public Utility Commission approved the rate reduction for qualifying large power users, the cost recovery plan for this rate has not yet been approved, and thus the EITE rate has not been implemented.
Our mill’s product pricing is currently at lows not seen in over ten years. Our products, sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs, which are the Mill’s largest cost, have doubled since 2007; even though we continually strive to improve the Mill’s energy efficiency.
Please approve the EITE cost recovery petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill and other Large Power customers. It will help secure the jobs and maintain the financial support of 250 employees at Verso, those of the supporting suppliers, loggers, local businesses and those in forest products and mining operations throughout Northern Minnesota.
As a residential customer, I do understand that I will be paying more for electricity. I think the financial pressure on my place of employment and its impact on the community, easily tips the scale for me to support the petition and pay more for residential electricity.
Dan Libby almost 8 years ago
My name is Dan Libby, and I have worked at the Verso Duluth Paper Mill for 10 Years. I am requesting timely approval of the EITE petition. Now is the time to be proactive and support manufacturing jobs in Northern Minnesota. During my 27 years as a mechanical engineer in the paper industry, I’ve worked at two other paper mills that are now closed. Manufacturing jobs are continuously declining throughout the country. The Duluth Paper Mill was built in 1987 as a state of the art facility and has provided solid employment for hundreds of skilled and dedicated employees over the last 30 years. Currently, however, the Mill is facing challenges not seen before. Our products, which are sold in the United States, face fierce global competition, particularly from Canada. Energy costs are the mill’s largest cost and have doubled since 2007. Please approve the EITE petition; it will significantly improve the competitiveness and viability of the Verso Duluth Mill and will greatly benefit the 250 employees that work here, their families, the City of Duluth, and the State of Minnesota.