As a home owner in Minnesota Power service area (Duluth, MN), I support as flat, and as transparent a rate structure as possible for Electricity consumption. Such that all consumers of power pay a clear and fair price for the distribution infrastructure, and that thereafter all consumers pay exactly the same rate per watt-hour of use. The costs of generating electricity need to incorporate not just the generation, but all the hitherto "externalized" costs on atmosphere and environment. On a watt-hour-by-watt-hour basis. To all consumers of each and every watt-hour. As long as large consumers are not paying less per watt-hour than any other consumers, I fully support any rate adjustments that MP requires to cover the full costs of the power it generates.
David Updegraff over 8 years ago
As a home owner in Minnesota Power service area (Duluth, MN), I support as flat, and as transparent a rate structure as possible for Electricity consumption. Such that all consumers of power pay a clear and fair price for the distribution infrastructure, and that thereafter all consumers pay exactly the same rate per watt-hour of use. The costs of generating electricity need to incorporate not just the generation, but all the hitherto "externalized" costs on atmosphere and environment. On a watt-hour-by-watt-hour basis. To all consumers of each and every watt-hour. As long as large consumers are not paying less per watt-hour than any other consumers, I fully support any rate adjustments that MP requires to cover the full costs of the power it generates.