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View Case Record, RP-17-286

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Bruce Busta over 7 years ago

I have read Great River Energy’s (GRE) integrated resource plan with interest. I was disappointed that it does not move more into solar and wind power.

I would like to encourage the MN Public Utilities Commission (MN PUC) to reject GRE’s plan.

MN is poor in oil and coal and rich in solar and wind. We should stop exporting our hard earned dollars to oil and coal producing states. Rather we should keep the money here in Minnesota. Economic studies show that these energy dollars that are spent in our local economy “recycle” and multiply into more economic strength for out state.

The cost of solar and wind is dramatically falling. There are two solar gardens going up by my home and there are wind generators in our county. This is the future and I want my electric cooperative to be part of the future!

With energy conservation efforts, smart grids and smart homes we can move to alternative energy and cover the base load with solar and wind. This will improve the economy of our state and our health and our environment. Plus this our best route to meet our greenhouse gas emission targets.

The great benefit of a cooperative is that they can respond to its members. I strongly encourage the MN PUC to reject this resource plan. As a cooperative member, I want a greener, healthier and a more economically sustainable (for the state) plan and cooperative.

Thank you,

Bruce Busta 4690 - 64th ST SE St. Cloud, MN 56304

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lee klish over 7 years ago

Being a member/customer of Stearns Electric Coop, I feel GRE is not moving nearly fast enough to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from it's power generation. Coal Creek should be depreciated and closed ASAP. The upper midwest has massive amounts of wind energy that is very inexpensive and with either gas, Canadian hydro, storage, load control, efficiency, electric vehicles, hot water storage, AC ice storage systems, distributed energy, local ag biodigesters, more transmission interconnection, customer choice, rate design, TOU rates wind and solar can be easily and inexpensively backed up if and when needed. There is no reason with current technology that we can't do without a lot less coal generation such as EXCEL ENERGY is doing. This cost of rapid transition to carbon free power will easily have a great ROI considering all the health, climate and Minnesota job and business creation it will generate.

thanks, Leo Klisch 26270 Jericho Road Saint Cloud , MN 56301

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