We finally were able to leave Century Link internet when the company finally admitted they could not even deliver 3 mh to use. It was barely USABLE, could not do any streaming and repairman said power box is well over a mile away. The company still does not allow others to get out of bad service on Meadow Lane, Savage. We need better options in 2018 than Century Link and Mediacom. Both service is much less than adequate.
Dar and Gary Shelley almost 7 years ago
We finally were able to leave Century Link internet when the company finally admitted they could not even deliver 3 mh to use. It was barely USABLE, could not do any streaming and repairman said power box is well over a mile away. The company still does not allow others to get out of bad service on Meadow Lane, Savage. We need better options in 2018 than Century Link and Mediacom. Both service is much less than adequate.
enaffas som almost 7 years ago
wonder full great job