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Clayton Peterson over 6 years ago

The site map attached to the Notice of Joint Public Hearing and Draft Site Permit dated June 12, 2018 needs to be corrected. The Setback Waiver and Non-Exclusive Wind Easement Agreement for the property at Fortier Township Section 28 W/2,SE/4 T-114N,R-46W does not allow for any equipment to be located there.The site map shows a proposed collection line which is a violation of the agreement. Clayton Peterson 307-266-1773

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Ashley Conner over 6 years ago

yes please take into consideration the time and effort Deuel county put into honoring the 3 miles setback from Lake Cochrane.

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Lori Nosbush over 6 years ago

I Live in Deuel County South Dakota. after reviewing the map of proposed Turbines sites specifically T3, T2, T1, T35, A2. I have concern about how close they are to my home. I would like to ask for a 3-mile set back from Lake Cochrane and surrounding wetland areas. The reason I ask for the 3 miles is because that’s what Deuel County commissioners granted us in South Dakota. We attended so many meetings and did very much research about Wind Turbines near homes, and wetlands, and the results would be devasting to our area. Our Commissioners also spent much time researching and learning what could happen to our area if this was allowed. Please Consider the 3 miles to Protect our lake, wild life and homes. I have concern that if this is allowed our property values will go down, can they guarantee that won’t happen? Several Homes have gone up for Sale that are in the Path of the Wind Farm in Deuel County, the homes are not selling. What are these People supposed to do? Abandon their homes and start over somewhere else? After researching wind energy, I don’t feel its an affordable option. They don’t sustain themselves and couldn’t operate without government subsidies. Who will be responsible for the decommission of the turbine when this project doesn’t sustain itself? The electricity doesn’t stay here and if transported to bigger cities. Does that mean my electric costs go down? NO, they will probably go up. Industrial Wind Farms Do Not Belong near Homes! I encourage you to Listen to the People who are Living with Industrial Wind Farms. They are not Happy! Thank you for your time .

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Richard Hemish over 6 years ago

i am writing to you because i missed the meeting in Canby concerning the Bitter Root Wind Project.i am all in favor of this project and encourage you to give consent to start the project. From what i heard of the meeting, i hope you can see through some of the rhetoric brought up at the meeting. If the fine people of Lake Cochrane do not want a wind turbine on their property, don't give permission, that is their right as owners. As a land owner i also have rights of ownership. If i agree with this project, and i do, then following all established set back requirements that should be my right.

As the demand for more electricity increases, as the two articles in our electric coop magazine dated June 2018, Vol 17 No. 5 shows, the plug in hybrid and total electric cars get more popular and they will and John Deere testing their battery run tractor continues, demand for electricity will only grow.

Look at the new transmission line built south of Canby heading from the Buffalo Ridge Wind Farms to the twin cities area, they have conductors on one side of the poles and the other side is open, open for what; to handle the coming demand without going through the right of way process again.

i look at these wind turbines and think, what marvels of engineering and design, turning the incessant wind around the Buffalo Ridge into electricity, literally making something out of nothing or using an old farmer's saying, silk out of a sow's ear.

Just imagine what thousands of these wind turbines all connected on the "grid" all across this country would do for the security of this nations electric generating capacity. Just think what the utility companies spend on security in the time of terrorism. Think of not having to find anymore permanent disposal sites for spent nueclear fuel rods still radio active with half life of 500 years or the possibility of a reactor melt down. Think of generating electricity without burning a carbon source fuel such as coal or natural gas. Wind and solar is the future, please let the landowners, the townships, the cities and countries be part of it and benefiting from it. Thank you for your consideration.

Richard Hemish Canby, MN

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Angela Narlin over 6 years ago

Please respect the Lake Cochrane area in South Dakota and keep the turbines at least 3 miles from the area. An industrial wind farm does not belong near a state recreation area or wetland area.

Attachments: letter_to_MN_PUC.docx
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Paul Pederson over 6 years ago

I am a resident of Lake Cochrane. It’s unfortunate that wind companies are allowed to come into an area and promise money to local landowners without performing due diligence on local issues. The negative impact of these industrial turbines on the Lake Cochrane area would be devastating. Please respect the 3 mile setback established by the Deuel County commissioners to protect this area. Thank you.

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Clayton Holt over 6 years ago

The state needs to consider the impact allowing wind turbines with in 3 miles of one of South Dakotas valuable recreational areas (Lake Cochrane) will have on any future projects South Dakota might have that could affect Minnesota residents. Minnesota is not building industrial wind turbines with in 3 miles of any of their valuable lakes!

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Kay Sonnicksen over 6 years ago

I am a MN resident and a weekend visitor of the Canby and Lake Cochrane area. My concerns are not only of the impact of the wind turbines on people, wildlife and property value, but the concern which has not yet been discussed and that is of the huge transmission towers which follow the construction of wind farms. In the area Flying Cow is wanting to establish wind towers, the current transmission towers are not sufficient. The electric company purchasing the power will come in and have an even greater effect on this area as they will place large steel towers across the fields and along the ditches. This has not been discussed with all who will be impacted and needs to be presented in an open and honest manner prior to applications, permits and certificates being approved. I know this is of great concern in Southern MN as an after thought, and this will occur in Yellow Medicine County if not discussed before approval of applications and permits. The transmission towers further devalue property, impact human health, and wildlife. The people not only of Yellow Medicine County, but surrounding areas will be effected long term and that's a fact to be seriously reviewed. Turbines are not easily removed, they are not easily disposed of like most other things in our lives. The natural landscape and all that goes with the beautiful county of Yellow Medicine and surrounding areas of SD will no longer exist and with that information I am requesting the permits and certificate to be placed on hold until more information can be disseminated regarding who will be purchasing the power and what is the plan for transmission lines. Thank you for your time and consideration of all matters.

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Lynette Taylor over 6 years ago

The high level of noise these 500 foot industrial turbines emit concerns me immensely. I have an extreme sensitivity to noise and decided on this area for retirement largely because of it's quietness. Who is responsible for the health of people living under and around these industrial towers? Since RES only leases the property from land owners, does it release them from liability of the future health of hundreds of people? It seems these industrial wind farms are going up very rapidly without considering the long term effects they have on human life and the earth we all share. Thank you for this format and weighing our concerns.

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