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Second Prehearing Order


View Case Record, GR-15-1033

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Richard Bahr over 8 years ago

Otter tail is asking for a rate increase, why should they get it when they also have this resource adjustment fee. My billing with Resource adjustment and Interim rate, taxes ETC is just as high as my normal electric bill we are being charged TOO MUCH AS IT IS. Either Interim rate adjustment OR the resource adjustment fee, BUT NOT BOTH. I wish I could pass on my excess expenditures onto someone else like otter tail has been doing, BUT I CAN'T. Why should they be able to do. They are A FOR PROFIT BUSINESS NOT a charity run business. MNPUC DO not authorize this better yet have Otter-tail Power EXPLAIN WHY they should have the resource adjustment fee. Take my billing amount and multiply it by the Number of customers each month this adds up to some serious money in there pocket each month. THEY WILL NOT EXPLAIN IT TO THE CUSTOMER. All I hear MNPUC authorized it. NOT a good answer EXPLAIN IT.

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