As landowners in the area, we have been aware of and watching the activities surrounding the pipeline/powerline issue. Even so far as to offer the consideration of crossing part of our farm (Chute Gardens). At this time we have not had an expanded “site” visit to “really look” at the likely route the line may take within the corridor proposed.
Looking at these proposed project segments, I believe the desired plan (East option), the west option and the Chute Garden option are all viable options. Yet the common sense, most desired option of following the highway is the one I strongly encourage Great River Energy to pursue for all the maintenance, observation, costs and many other reasons. Even if it means crossing the highway an extra time in conjunction with a wider highway ROW, thus working with and around some conflict with homeowners near the Mississippi bridge.
The highway/public ROW corridor is the route the public would expect utility and services to follow. Living adjacent to public roadways it is inherent that things will happen on that corridor. Thus again, I strongly encourage the pursuit of the highway corridor routing.
John Chute almost 9 years ago
As landowners in the area, we have been aware of and watching the activities surrounding the pipeline/powerline issue. Even so far as to offer the consideration of crossing part of our farm (Chute Gardens). At this time we have not had an expanded “site” visit to “really look” at the likely route the line may take within the corridor proposed.
Looking at these proposed project segments, I believe the desired plan (East option), the west option and the Chute Garden option are all viable options. Yet the common sense, most desired option of following the highway is the one I strongly encourage Great River Energy to pursue for all the maintenance, observation, costs and many other reasons. Even if it means crossing the highway an extra time in conjunction with a wider highway ROW, thus working with and around some conflict with homeowners near the Mississippi bridge.
The highway/public ROW corridor is the route the public would expect utility and services to follow. Living adjacent to public roadways it is inherent that things will happen on that corridor. Thus again, I strongly encourage the pursuit of the highway corridor routing.