Again, as a land owner I want to know Blazing Star has gone through all channels before proceeding. There may be good reasons this should not happen in this area.
This project is needed and in public interest because it will produce clean energy for my children,grand children and the people of Minnesota. It will fit in with the other turbine farms in southwest Minnesota. As a landowner i am looking forward to the start of the project and the turbines that will operating on our land.
Sandra Betchwars almost 8 years ago
Again, as a land owner I want to know Blazing Star has gone through all channels before proceeding. There may be good reasons this should not happen in this area.
dan buseth over 7 years ago
This project is needed and in public interest because it will produce clean energy for my children,grand children and the people of Minnesota. It will fit in with the other turbine farms in southwest Minnesota. As a landowner i am looking forward to the start of the project and the turbines that will operating on our land.